Graduate School of Planning University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras
10 Ave. Universidad, Suite 1001
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00925-2530
ph: (787) 764.0000 x. 87778
Santos-Hernández, J. Forthcoming July 2024. Behavioral Responses to the Southwest Puerto Rico Earthquake Sequence: Information Seeking and Decision-Making. Annual Researchers Meeting. International Sociological Association Research Committee on Disasters (ISA-RC39). Broomfield, Colorado.
Santos-Hernández, J. May 3, 2024. Disaster Research in the Caribbean: Decolonizing our Practice for an Imagined Disaster Future. Featured presentation in the Disaster Research Center 60th Anniversary Workshop. University of Delaware. Newark, DE.
Santos-Hernández, J. May 2, 2024. Panel on quick-response disaster research. Pre-Conference Graduate Student Workshop. Disaster Research Center 60th Anniversary. University of Delaware. Newark, DE.
Santos-Hernández, J., Rivera-Collazo, I. April 29, 2024. Materializing the Promise of Convergence Science. Rising Voices, Changing Coasts: Puerto Rico/Caribbean Hub Regional Conference.
Rivera-Collazo, I., Santos-Hernández, J. April 17, 2024. Disasters in temporal context: Linking the past and the present – the RVCC Puerto Rico Hub. Opening Presidential Panel ‘Equity in the Archaeology of Disaster: Past, Present, and Future’. Annual Meeting Society for American Archaeology.
Rivera-Collazo, I., Garzón-Oeschle, A., Santos-Hernández, J., Cantú, K. January 4, 2024. History of Industrial Pollution in Cataño. 2024 Conference on Historical and Underground Archaeology. Oakland, CA.
Santos-Hernández, J. McBride, S. Campbell, N., Jaramillo-Nieves, L. July 13, 2023. Behavioral Responses to the Southwest Puerto Rico Earthquake Sequence: Information Seeking and Decision-Making. Annual Researchers Meeting. International Sociological Association Research Committee on Disasters (ISA-RC39). Broomfield, Colorado.
Santos-Hernández, J., Vidal-Franceschi, F. July 9, 2023. Towards More Inclusive and Equitable Risk Communication in Puerto Rico. 48th Natural Hazards Workshop. Broomfield, Colorado.
Santos-Hernández, J. July 1, 2023. ¿Cuándo entenderán que nos mienten? A case study of White-collar corruption in Post-Disaster Puerto Rico. XX World Congress of Sociology. Melbourne, Australia.
Santos-Hernández J., Campbell, N., McBride, S.K., Jaramillo-Nieves, L. July 1, 2023. Disasters as Processes: Trust, Information Seeking, and Protective Action Decision-Making. XX World Congress of Sociology. Melbourne, Australia.
Santos-Hernández, J., Campbell, N., McBride, S., Jaramillo-Nieves, L., Vidal Franceschi, F., Figueroa-Huertas, A., Méndez-Heavilin, A., Márquez-López, G., Rivera-Rivera, C., Torres-Febre, R. April 18, 2023. Behavioral Responses to the 2020-2021 Southwest Puerto Rico Earthquake Sequence: Information-Seeking, Rumors, and Protective Action Decision-Making. 2023 American Seismological Society Meeting. Presentation selected for ‘Research Highlight’ by the SSA Annual Meeting Organizing Committee.
Santos-Hernández, J.M. March 24, 2023. Advancing a sensible and engaging approach to climate change/disaster field research in Puerto Rico. 2023 Monaco Oceans’ Week – Oceans Legal Roundtable. Invited by Foundation Prince Albert II de Monaco. Monaco Yacht Club, Monaco.
Santos-Hernández, J.M. March 13, 2023. Advancing a sensible and engaging approach to climate change/disaster field research in Puerto Rico. NSF Rising Voices, Changing Coasts: The Earth and Indigenous Science Convergence Hub Annual Meeting at University Corporation for Atmospheric Research – Boulder, Colorado.
Santos-Hernández, J.M. July 13, 2022. Invited speaker. Panel on Disaster Risk Reduction: Innovative approaches to community support. Natural Hazard Mitigation Association Annual Meeting-Virtual. Santos-Hernández, J.M. July 13, 2022. Disasters as processes: Tust, Information Seeking, and Protective Action Decision Making. International Sociological Association Research Committee on Disasters Annual Meeting-Virtual.
Santos-Hernández, J., Méndez, A., Figueroa, A., Jaramillo-Nieves, L., Campbell, N., McBride, S. June 6-9, 2022. Disasters as processes: Tust, Information Seeking, and Protective Action Decision Making. 24th FEMA Higher Education Symposium. Emmitsburgh, MD. [Poster]
Santos-Hernández, J. May 10, 2022. Long-term disaster recovery planning as transformative change: Insights for sustainability transitions. Benefits, Applications and Opportunities of Natural Infrastructure. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. University of Georgia. Athens, GA.
Santos-Hernández, J.M. November 2021. Session tittled 'Reimagining the Caribbean: Truth and Responsibility in the Anthropocenic (Post)-Colony' Annual Meeting American Anthropological Association.
Santos-Hernández, J.M. September 2021. Risk Communication in Concurrent Disasters: Stakeholder and Aftershock Forecast Perception following the 2020 Southwest Puerto Rico Earthquake Sequence. U.S. National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council.
Santos-Hernández, J.M., McBride, S.K., Campbell, N., Jaramillo-Nieves, L., Méndez-Heavilin, A.J., Figueroa-Huertas, A.M. July 2021. Risk Communication in the Context of Concurrent Disasters in Puerto Rico. Annual Researchers Meeting. International Research Committee on Disasters (RC 39). International Sociological Association (ISA). Boulder, CO.
Santos-Hernández, J.M. McBride, S.K., Campbell, N., Jaramillo-Nieves, L., Méndez-Heavilin, A.J., Figueroa-Huertas, A.M. August 2021. Risk Communication in Concurrent Disasters: Insights from the 2020 Southwest Puerto Rico Earthquake Sequence. Exposición de la Dra. Jenniffer M. Santos-Hernández como investigadora principal del proyecto ‘Risk Communication in Concurrent Disasters’. Natural Hazards Center Conference ‘Quick Response Research in the U.S. Territories’. University of Colorado Boulder.
Santos-Hernández, J. July 2020. Invited Panelist and Moderator. Diversity in Risk Communication during COVID-19. 45th Natural Hazards Workshop. University of Colorado Boulder Natural Hazards Center: Boulder, CO.
Santos-Hernádez, J. June 2020. COVID-19 y Desastres Naturales: Vulnerabilidad social y comunicación de riesgo en desastres concurrentes. Criias Webinar Series. University of Puerto Rico – Río Piedras.
Santos-Hernández, J. May 2020. Leadership and Communication in the Midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. NSF INCLUDES Program Webinar Series.
Santos-Hernández, J. April 2020. El Riesgo que Nos Une: Arte, Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales en Tiempos de Pandemia. Serie de conferencias virtuales, Centro de Investigaciones Sociales (CIS).
Santos-Hernández, J. April 2020. Organizations in Disaster Situations and Risk Communication. National Center for Disaster Preparedness Webinar Series. Columbia University.
Santos-Hernández, J. January 2020. Updates from a local disaster researcher: Jenniffer Santos-Hernández. Social Science Extreme Events Research Network: Seismic Activity in Puerto Rico Meeting. Online meeting. University of Colorado Boulder Natural Hazards Center: Boulder, CO.
Santos-Hernández, J. November 2019. El Huracán María en Puerto Rico: La vulnerabilidad pre-existente y los resultados catastróficos. Conference to the Puerto Rico Congregation of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville. Hogar El Remanso. Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
Santos-Hernández, J. November 2019. Disaster Research in the Aftermath of Catastrophes: Reflections of and from the field. RISE Conference. SUNY Albany. Albany, NY.
Santos-Hernández, J. October 2019. Disaster Scholars Working in Post-Catastrophe Environments: Perspectives on Developing an Academic Program. FEMA Higher Ed Workshop. San Juan, PR.
Santos-Hernández, J. September 2019. Promoting Community Resilience through Transformative Scenarios: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainability Transitions. 2ndU.S. Virgin Islands Hazards Mitigation Conference. U.S.V.I. Hazard Mitigation and Resilience Plan. University of the Virgin Islands. St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.
Santos-Hernández, J. August 2019. Failed promises: Social control, Inequality, and the Politics of Emergency Management in Puerto Rico. 2019 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Presidential Panel. New York, NY.
Santos-Hernández, J. April 2019. Promoting Community Resilience to Extreme Events through Transformative Scenarios: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainability Transitions. 2019 Annual Meeting Association of American Geographers. Washington, DC.
Santos-Hernández, J. January 7, 2019. Panel: The Other Uncertainty: Social, Political, and Cultural Forms of Uncertainty in Weather Contexts. 99th Annual Meeting American Meteorological Society. Phoenix, AZ.
Santos-Hernández, J. November 2018. Hurricane Maria 'In Context': 'Developed' Vulnerabilities and 'Planned' Catastrophes. Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence on Coastal Resilience. University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
Santos-Hernández, J. September 2018. Hurricane María in Puerto Rico: An Overview of the Most Recent Catastrophe. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Bethesda, MD.
Santos-Hernández, J. August 2018. Disaster Research in Puerto Rico in the Aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and María: Reflections from the field. 2018 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
Santos-Hernández, J. July 2018. Power, Politics, and the Distribution of Aid in Puerto Rico: Understanding Emergency Response in the Wake of Hurricane Maria. XIX World Congress of Sociology. Toronto, Canada.
Santos-Hernández, J. July 2018. Hurricane [ _______ ] in Puerto Rico: The promised catastrophe restructured.Opening Plenary: A Reflection of the 2017 Hurricane Season. 43rd Natural Hazards Workshop. University of Colorado-Boulder. Broomfield, CO.
Santos-Hernández, J. May 2018. An Unfolding Catastrophe and a Compromised Recovery: Disaster Research in the Wake of Hurricane Maria. Conferencia ‘Planificación y Recuperación Resiliente en Puerto Rico’. Organizers: Graduate School of Planning and FEMAs Community Planning and Capacity Building Federal Recovery Team. May 18, 2018. San Juan, P.R.
Santos-Hernández, J. May 2018. Acciones necesarias para mitigar los desastres y adaptarnos al cambio climático en Puerto Rico. Organizers: ‘Integración de conocimientos formales e informales: Programa Piloto de Educación Comunitaria sobre Cambio Climático para Puerto Rico’ and Centro de Investigaciones Sociales. May 11, 2018. San Juan, P.R.
Santos-Hernández, J. May 2018. An Unfolding Catastrophe and a Compromised Recovery: Disaster Research in the Wake of Hurricane Maria. ‘Sumer of 2017 ‘Natural’ Disaster Symposium’. Organizers: Department of Sociology, Blum Initiative for Global and Regional Poverty, Center for Ideas and Society, College of Engineering – Center for Environmental Research and Technology, and Latin American Studies Program. May 3, 2018. University of California-Riverside.
Santos-Hernández, J. May 2018. Hacia un Puerto Rico Resiliente: Procesos de planificación para el manejo de emergencias y la reducción de desastres. 1era Conferencia Interdisciplinaria Asociación de Manejadores de Emergencia y Profesionales de Seguridad (AMEPS) ‘Reconstruyendo a Puerto Rico: Eficiente y Resilientemente’. May 8, 2018. Carolina, PR.
Kushma, J., Slick, J., Glickman, G., Tobin, J., Santos-Hernández, J., Chapman, D., Walbrecker, W., Walsh, W. April 2018. The Case Study Development Focus Group Webinar. FEMA Higher Education Program. National Training Division.
Santos-Hernández, J. April 2018. ‘We are open’: Business Continuity in San Juan, Puerto Rico after hurricane María. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. April 11, 2018. New Orleans, LA.
Méndez-Heavilin, A., Santos-Hernández, J. April 2018. Rethinking Air Quality in Puerto Rico: A case study of barrio Espinosa in the Municipality of Dorado. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. April 10, 2018. New Orleans, LA.
Álvarez, G., Santos-Hernández, J. April 2018. Transforming the City of San Juan in the Wake of Hurricane Maria: Assessing the performance of adaptive and transformative scenarios. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. April 10, 2018. New Orleans, LA.
An Unfolding Catastrophe and a Compromised Recovery: Quick-response and Ongoing Research in the Wake of Hurricane Maria. Arizona State University School of Transborder Studies. March 21, 2018. Phoenix, AZ.
Santos-Hernandez, J. February 23, 2018. Quick Response Research in the Aftermath of Hurricane María. NSF Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network Workshop: “From Disaster to Transformation: Lessons from Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane María”. San Juan, PR.
Santos-Hernandez, J. November 2017. Quick Response Research in the Aftermath of Hurricane María. Semana de la Arquitectura (Arquitecture Week Salon Series). Colegio de Arquitectos y Arquitectos Paisajistas. San Juan, PR.
Santos-Hernández, J. 2017. Capacity Building for Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation: An Integrated Interdisciplinary Approach to Climate Change Education in Puerto Rico. 2017 American Association of Geographers' Annual Meeting. April, 5-9, 2017. Boston, MA.
Méndez-Heavilin, A., Santos-Hernández, J. 2017. Gentrification, Ammenity Migration, and the Social Construction of Neighborhoods: A content analysis of property sales ads. 2017 American Association of Geographers' Annual Meeting. April, 5-9, 2017. Boston, MA.
Santos-Hernández, J., Robles, A., Álvarez, G., Verduzco, V., Méndez-Heavilin, A. 2017. Drought Task Force: Ongoing Research and Future Directions. Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network Annual Meeting. The New School. New York, NY.
Santos-Hernández, J., Álvarez Rosario, G. 2017. Integración de conocimientos formales e informales: Programa piloto de educación comunitaria sobre cambio climático en Puerto Rico. XIV Congreso Puertorriqueño de Investigación en la Educación. 8-10 de marzo de 2017. Universidad de Puerto Rico-Río Piedras. San Juan, PR.
Santos-Hernández, J. 2016. Desarrollo y Vulnerabilidad Comunitaria a Desastres. Ciclo de Charlas por el Paisaje. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía. Universidad de Concepción. Concepción, Chile.
Santos-Hernández, J. 2016. Desarrollo y Vulnerabilidad Comunitaria a Desastres. Ciclo de Charlas por el Paisaje. Colegio de Concepción. Concepción, Chile.
Santos-Hernández, J., Concepción, C.M. July 2016. Public Awareness of Environmental Pollution: Contrasting Residents' Concerns and Environmental Risk Exposure. International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee on Disasters Researchers' Meeting. Boulder Colorado.
Santos-Hernández, J. 2016. ¿Quién es mi vecino? Interacciones, Representación y Vulnerabilidad Social a Desastres en las comunidades de Puerto Rico. Taller 'Cambio Climático y Comunidades'. Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales (DRNA). Centro para Puerto Rico. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Santos-Hernández, J. June 2016. Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREX-SRN). NSF San Juan Urban Long Term Research Area (ULTRA) Annual Meeting. U.S. Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry. San Juan, P.R.
Santos-Hernández, J. May 2016. Illustrating the Reproduction of Social Vulnerability to Disasters: Lessons Learned through Case Studies in Metropolitan Area of San Juan. V Conferencia Puertorriqueña de Salud Pública. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Méndez-Heavilin, A., Santos-Hernández, J., Concepción, C.M. May 2016. Public Understanding of Environmental Pollution: Contrasting resident concerns and environmental risk exposure. V Conferencia Puertorriqueña de Salud Pública. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Santos-Hernández, J., Concepción, C.M. April 2016. Plan de Adaptación al Cambio Climático de Base Comunitaria. Puerto Rico Climate Change Council Annual Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Santos-Hernández, J. November 2016. El cambio climático como un nuevo reto para problemas históricos: Una mirada al desarrollo de la vulnerabilidad social comunitaria en Puerto Rico. Climate Change in the Caribbean 2015: Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Santos-Hernández, J. October 2015. Urban Flood Management in San Juan, Puerto Rico: Rethinking the Long-term Consequences of Unplanned Development. Congreso de Ecourbanismo Enrique Martí Coll (La Ciudad del Antropoceno: Adaptando la Infraestructura Gris a una Nueva Era). San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Santos Hernández, J. July 2015. Desarrollo, Urbanismo y Gestión Ambiental: Procesos de Vulnerabilidad Social a Desastres Naturales en San Juan, Puerto Rico. X Convención Internacional de Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente. Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana. Havana, Cuba.
Santos Hernández, J. May 2015. Desarrollo Urbano, Riesgo y Vulnerabilidad a Desastres: Manejo de inundaciones en Puerto Nuevo. NSF San Juan Urban Long Term Research Area (ULTRA) Annual Meeting. U.S. Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry. San Juan, P.R.
Santos Hernández, J. October 2014. Desarrollo, Urbanismo, y Procesos de Vulnerabilidad a Desastres en Puerto Rico: El caso de Puerto Nuevo. (Development, Urbanism, and Social Vulnerability to Disaster Processes in Puerto Rico: The case of Puerto Nuevo) Congreso Latinoamericano de Ecología Política (Latin American Congress on Political Ecology). Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile.
Santos Hernández, J. July 2014. Social Vulnerability to Disaster in Puerto Rico: An Outlook of Evolving Structural and Behavioral Forces. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology. Session on "Disaster Vulnerability, Resilience Building, and Social Marginality". International Sociological Association. Yokohama, Japan.
Santos Hernández, J. March 2014. Desarrollando Desastres: Configuraciones de la Vulnerabilidad Social en Puerto Rico. (Developing Disasters: Social Vulnerability Arrangements in Puerto Rico). Retorno UPR 2014. University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras. San Juan, PR.
Santos Hernández, J. March 2014. Revista de Ciencias Sociales: 50 años de historia y nuevos retos (Social Sciences Journal: 50 years of history and new challenges.). Panel de Revistas Académicas en las Ciencias Sociales (Panel on Academic Journals in the Social Sciences). Tercera Conferencia de Revistas Académicas de Puerto Rico (Third Conference . San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Santos Hernández, J. March 2014. Neighboring and Social Vulnerability: A Dynamic Approach to At Risk Communities. NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Fellows Program. Department of Environmental Sciences. University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras. San Juan, PR.
Santos Hernández, J. Noviembre 2013. ¿Qué es un desastre? La vulnerabilidad social en Puerto Rico como un proceso social. (What is a disaster? Social Vulnerability in Puerto Rico as a Process). Colloquium Series. Graduate Planning School. University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras. San Juan, PR.
Santos Hernández, J. October 2013. Los desastres naturales son procesos fundamentalmente sociales: El desarrollo de la vulnerabilidad social en Puerto Rico (Natural Disasters are Fundamentally Social Processes: The Development of Social Vulnerability in Puerto Rico). Center for Social Research Conference Series. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras. San Juan, P.R.
Santos Hernández, J. August 2013. Lessons Learned on Social Vulnerability in Puerto Rico: Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change. IV Puerto Rico Climate Change Summit. Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources. San Juan, PR.
Santos Hernández, J. July 2013. Social Vulnerability as a Process: Theoretical and Practical Insights. International Research Committee on Disasters Annual Meeting. International Sociological Association (ISA). Broomfield, CO.
Santos Hernández, J. March 2013. Emergency Management in Puerto Rico as a Bureaucratic Type: From Static to Dynamic Approaches to Social Vulnerability. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting "Sustainable Communities/Sustainable Lives: Social Change, Social Action, & Social Justice". Boston, MA.
Santos Hernández, J. March 2013. Session Presider and Discussant. Sustainability: Urban and Rural. Thematic Session. 2013 Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting "Sustainable Communities/Sustainable Lives: Social Change, Social Action, & Social Justice". Boston, MA.
Santos Hernández, J. October 2012. From At Risk Areas to Vulnerable Communities: The Human Dimension of Coastal Management. Planificación y Manejo de los Espacios Costeros, 3er Ciclo de Conferencias (Coastal Planning and Management, Third Conference Series). Department of Natural and Environmental Resources. Hilton Ponce Golf & Casino Resort. Ponce, PR.
Santos Hernández, J. August 2012. Author Meets Critics: Sociology of Population. Section on Human Rights Invited Author Meets Critics Session. The Handbook of Sociology and Human Rights (Paradigm Publishers, 2012) Edited by David L. Brunsma, Keri Iyall Smith, and Brian Gran. 2012 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Denver Convention Center. Denver, CO.
Santos Hernández, J. August 2012. Session Presider and Discussant. 'Disasters: Theoretical Directions on Displacement.' Sociology of Disasters Paper Session. 2012 American Sociological Association. Denver, CO.
Santos Hernández, J. May 2012. Comprehensive Emergency Management: Towards a Better Understanding of Social Vulnerability to Disasters in Puerto Rico. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Workshop. Quantifying Sustainability in Puerto Rico: A Scientific Discussion. Puerto Rico Convention Center. San Juan, PR.
Santos Hernández, J. February 2012. Climate Change, Social Vulnerability to Disasters, and Population Dynamics: Opportunities, Challenges, and Limitations of Modeling a Social System. 2012 Eastern Sociological Society Meeting. New York, NY.
Santos Hernández, J., Bhaduri, B., Preston, P., Cui, X., Medina, R., Schryver, J. “Climate Change, Social Vulnerability to Disasters, and Adaptation: Social Dissatisfaction, Displacement and Migration”. 2011 Conference of Applied Climatology. American Meteorological Society. Asheville, N.C.
Bhaduri, B., Cui, X., Liu, C., Santos-Hernández, J., Preston, B., Schryver, J., Nutaro, J., Hadley, S., Medina, R., Kim, H. "Knowledge Discovery for Exploring the Relations between Climate Change and Population Dynamics". Geocomputation 2011. July 2011. London, United Kingdom.
Santos Hernández, J., Bhaduri, B., Medina, R., Preston, P., Schryver, J., Cui, X., King, A., Lenhardt, C. “Managing the challenges of climate change: Social Vulnerability, Migration and Population Displacement”. 2011 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Forthcoming April 2011. Seattle, WA.
Santos Hernández, J. “Disasters as processes: Quickresponse Research in the Aftermath of the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti”. 2011 Midwest Sociological Society. March 2011. St. Louis, MO.
Santos Hernández, J. Session Presider and Discussant. ‘Mapping Globalization: Inequality, Property and Human Rights.’ Paper Session. 2011 Eastern Sociological Society Meeting. February 26, 2011. Philadelphia, PA.
Morrow, B.H.; Santos Hernández, J. “Introduction to Social Research”. WAS*IS Caribbean Workshop. Societal Impacts Program. University Consortium for Atmospheric Research. June 8, 2010. San Juan, PR.
Santos Hernández, J. “Sociology: Introduction to Weather and Society”. WAS*IS Caribbean Workshop. Societal Impacts Program. University Consortium for Atmospheric Research. June 7, 2010. San Juan, PR.
Santos Hernández, J. “'An Outpost of Development': Social Vulnerability to Disaster in Puerto Rico”. 2010 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. March 18, 2010. Washington, D.C.
Santos Hernández, J. “Developing Informed Radar Technology: The social dimensions of risk communication” 64th Inter-departmental Hurricane Conference. Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology (OFCM). March 2, 2010. Savannah, GA.
Santos Hernández, J. The path toward resilient communities: Taking steps to build capacities and ameliorate social vulnerability. CASA Student Test Bed Research Meeting. January 11, 2010. National Weather Service: San Juan Forecasting Office.
Santos Hernández, J. Latinos in the United States: Changing Demographics and Disaster Research. 104th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Latino/a Sociology Roundtables. August 10, 2009. San Francisco, CA.
Santos Hernández, J., Rodríguez, H. Díaz, W., Donner, W., Trainor, J. Developing Informed Radar Technology: The social dimensions of risk communication. International Research Committee on Disasters Researchers Meeting. Oral presentation. July 19, 2009. Broomfield, Colorado.
Santos Hernández, J., Rodríguez, H. Díaz, W., Donner, W., Trainor, J. Developing Informed Radar Technology: Integrating the End User Community. 34th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop. Poster Presentation. July 15‐18, 2009. Broomfield, Colorado.
Santos Hernández, J. Puerto Rico Disaster Decision Support Tool : Social Vulnerability, Mitigation and Community Preparedness. Annual Emergency Management Conference. Puerto Rico State Agency for Emergency Management. Plenary Session. June 5, 2009. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Santos Hernández, J and Rodríguez, H. Improving Warning Systems: An assessment of public response to tornado warnings. Roundtable Presentation. 79th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society. March 21, 2009. Baltimore, MD.
Santos‐Hernández, J., Rodríguez, H. Improving Warning Systems: An assessment of public response to tornado warnings during the 2008 tornado season. Fourth Symposium on Policy and Socio—Economic Research, American Meteorological Society 89th Annual Meeting. Poster Presentation. January 11‐15, 2009. Phoenix, AZ.
Rodríguez, H., Santos, J. Societal Impacts of Weather Hazards: Understanding Public Response to Tornado Events. Fourth Symposium on Policy and Socio—Economic Research, American Meteorological Society 89th Annual Meeting. Oral presentation. January 11‐15, 2009. Phoenix, AZ.
Santos Hernández, J. 2008. “Critical Demography, Sociological Theory, and GIS: Social Vulnerability to Disasters in Puerto Rico”. Oral Presentation. International Research Committee on Disasters. Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association (ASA). Boston, MA. August 1-4, 2008.
Santos Hernández, J. 2008. Disaster Decision Support Tool (DDST): Population Distribution, Weather Technology, and Capacity Building. Oral presentation. 33rd Annual Hazards Research and Application Workshop. University of Colorado at Boulder. Boulder, CO. July 12-15, 2008.
Santos Hernández, J. 2008. Disaster Decision Support Tool. Poster presentation. 33rd Annual Hazards Research and Application Workshop. University of Colorado at Boulder. Boulder, CO. July 12-15, 2008.
Santos Hernández, J. 2008. Emergency Management and Public Response: Integrating the End-User Community. Poster presentation. 33rd Annual Hazards Research and Application Workshop. University of Colorado at Boulder. Boulder, CO. July 12-15, 2008.
Santos Hernández, J., Rodríguez, H., and Díaz, W. Disaster Decision Support Tool : An Additional Step Towards Building Community Resilience. Annual Emergency Management Conference. Puerto Rico State Agency for Emergency Management. Oral Presentation. May 22, 2008. Dorado, Puerto Rico.
Santos Hernández, J.; Wasileski, G. “The Hurricane that Challenged Miami: Social Vulnerability to Disasters and Business Continuity.” Rountable presentation. 78TH Annual Meeting Eastern Sociological Society. February 22, 2008. New York: NY.
Santos Hernández, J. Engineering Earthquake Research Institute at the University of Delaware: An Inter‐disciplinary and Multi‐disciplinary Approach to Disaster Research. EERI Annual Meeting. Poster Presentation. February 2008. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Santos Hernández, J. “’A resounding success’: Development, Vulnerability and Disasters in the West Coast of Puerto Rico. 57th Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Social Problems. Oral Presentation. August 12, 2007. New York, NY.
Santos Hernández, J; Rodríguez, H.; Díaz, W.; Aguirre, B.; Donner, W. July 8, 2007. “Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere: Integrating the End User Community”. 32nd Annual Hazards Research and Application Workshop. University of Colorado at Boulder. Boulder, CO.
Santos Hernández, J. July 8, 2007. “Development, Vulnerability, and Disasters in the West Coast of Puerto Rico”. 32nd Annual Hazards Research and Application Workshop. University of Colorado at Boulder. Boulder, CO.
Santos Hernández, J. “Development, Capital and Disasters: Social Vulnerability in Puerto Rico’s West Coast” Third Puerto Rican Conference on Public Health. Graduate School of Public Health. University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences Campus. San Juan Convention Center. May 8-10, 2007.
Santos Hernández, J., Miller, J. Vulnerability to Disasters in Puerto Rico: Incorporating the Social, Physical and Built-Environment into Radar Scanning Strategies. 16th Conference on Applied Climatology. American Meteorological Association Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. January 16, 2007.
Santos Hernández, J., Rodríguez, H., Díaz, W. Development and Vulnerability to Disasters in the West Coast of Puerto Rico. Second Hands-on Research Retreat. Center for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Athmosphere. Estes Park, CO. October, 2006
Trabal, J; Donovan, B., Miller, J. and Santos Hernández, J. “Puerto Rico Student Test Bed: IP3 X-ings. Second Hands-on Research Retreat. Center for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Athmosphere. Estes Park, CO. October, 2006.
Santos Hernández, J. Workshop Panel: Surviving Graduate School. 101st Annual Meeting-American Sociological Association. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August, 12, 2006.
Santos Hernández, J. Hispanics and the American Dream or the American Delusion: Intersecting Structural Properties in Hurricane Katrina. Panel: The Politics of Exclusion in Latin America. 36th Association of Black Sociologists Annual Conference. Montreal, Quebec Canada. August 9, 2006.
Santos Hernández, J., Rodríguez, H., Díaz, W. (July, 2006). Agency, Inequality and Power: Vulnerability to Disasters in Puerto Rico’s West Coast. 31st Annual Hazards Research and Applications Workshop. University of Colorado-Boulder. Millenium Hotel, Boulder, CO.
Santos Hernández, J. Rodríguez, H., Díaz, W., Donner, W., Marks, D. (July, 2006). Integrating the End-user community: Current and Ongoing Research. 31st Annual Hazards Research and Applications Workshop. University of Colorado-Boulder. Millenium Hotel, Boulder, CO.
Santos Hernández, J., Rodríguez, H., Díaz, W. Agency, Inequality and Power: Vulnerability to Disasters in the West Coast of Puerto Rico. Center for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere. National Science Foundation Site Visit. University of Massachusetts-Amherst. April, 2006.
Rodríguez, H.; Díaz, W.; Santos Hernández, J.; Mercado, A. “Population Composition, Geographic Distribution, and Natural Hazards: Vulnerability in the Coastal Regions of Puerto Rico”. First Annual Symposium on Coastal and Marine Applied Research. University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez. September 2, 2005.
Santos Hernández, J. "Preparing for and Facing the 'Unthinkable': The mass media as an emergency management tool" ASA Annual Meeting. Theory and Methods Graduate Student Roundtable.Philadelphia, PA. Ausgust 15, 2005.
Santos Hernández, J. "Preparing for and Facing the 'Unthinkable': The mass media as an emergency management tool" Oral Presentation. Natural Hazards Annual Conference. University of Colorado-Boulder. July 13, 2005.
Environmental Rights Panel Session. Where Sociology Meet Solidarities Session. Sociologists Without Borders (SSF), Association of Black Sociologists, ASA Latino/a Sociology Section. Organizer: Kenneth Gould. Invited Speakers: David Naguib Pellow, Jenniffer M. Santos Hernández, Keri Iyall Smith, Dave Overfelt, Cecilio Ortíz García, and Elizabeth Cannigilia. Philadelphia, PA. August 12, 2005.
Santos Hernández, J., Díaz, W. Oklahoma: county sociodemographics and weather events. Poster Presentation. Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA) Annual Retreat. Estes Park, Colorado. October 2-4, 2004.
Santos Hernández, J. OK First: county socio-demographics and emergency management in Oklahoma. Oral Presentation. 12th Applied Social Research Symposium, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez PR. April 28, 2004.
Santos Hernández, J., Rodríguez, M. OK First: county socio-demographics and emergency management in Oklahoma. Poster Presentation. Phi Sigma Poster Day. University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. April, 2004.
Santos Hernández, J. A summary of an incredible summer internship experience at Fundación ProPeten-Guatemala. Oral Presentation. Population Fellows Program, MSI Initiative Debriefing. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Washington, DC. September 2003.
Santos Hernández, J. Mass media and emergency management agencies in disasters situations: A structural analysis. Referred Roundtable. ASA Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA. August, 2003.
Santos Hernández, J. Mass media and emergency management agencies in disasters situations: A structural analysis. Oral Presentation. 11th Applied Social Research Symposium, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez PR. April, 2003.
Santos Hernández, J. Mass media and emergency management agencies in disasters situations: A structural analysis. Poster presentation. Phi Sigma Poster Day. University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. March, 2003.
Santos Hernández, J., Snowden, F., Jones, D. PRB 2050: A Contraceptive Method for the new era. Oral Presentation. Population Fellows Programs. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. May, 2003.
Santos Hernández, J., Ford, C. JC: The Ideal contraceptive method. Oral Presentation. Population Fellows Programs. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. June, 2002.
Copyright 2010-2024 Jenniffer M. Santos-Hernandez, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
Last updated: June 2, 2024